
esoteric region

Last Bible of leaving epoch

Our world is mysterious and unfathomable.
Man is a mystic creation
of this Universe
and is potentially possessed
of superabilities whereby one can control
and manipulate various realities.
In fact, we used to have these abilities
a very long time ago;
it was as natural as
the usual physiological functions
of the human body.
In the course of evolution,
the human civilization became a victim
of higher-order forces
seeking forceful expansion
and the conquest of new spaces in the Universe.
Despite our magic powers
we were naive like children;
in fact, we were children.
We were cheated;
mankind was deceived by manipulations
with the collective consciousness
and caught in a trap built into the human mind.
A lot of things have changed since...
Thousands years has gone by and man has become
what he is now –
having lost touch with own identity,
fixed on the material aspects
of the physical space,
unable to consciously interact
with other realities
and control one’s own development.
Man does not understand the meaning
and logic of events happening on Earth
despite the flow of information
from the Universe.
This trouble will soon be over;
the age of the modern civilization
will come to an end in 2012...









Russian version



A digital project NEWEST SCROLLS is a new step to a conceptual photography’s world and positions as an esoteric quasi-realism.
Visual series are in close connection with text blocks – philosophic generalizations - the titles of pictures at the same time.
Each title postulates a certain result of human existence in this physical world. The conception of this project is
the visualization of these philosophic postulates and the ascertaining that a human civilization in its evolution has come to a destruction
of all ideas of itself; an old life perishes on this boundary and a new era of new civilization, new generation of human race begins.
Newest Scrolls exposition


Hosted by uCoz